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Canon ФotoFUTURA competition and exhibition 2022, under the auspices of the Canon Company, is part of the ФotoFUTURA Student Festival of Photography. This year, the competition is open to students of the Faculty of Dramatic Arts and the Faculty of Applied Arts in Belgrade and, by invitation, the Academy of Arts Novi Sad.


The theme of the 2022 Canon ФotoFUTURA competition is Re:set.

The competition is open exclusively to thematic series of photographs. Each student can apply with two thematic series of photographs. One series consists of six photographs.

The selected series will be displayed at the exhibition during the ФotoFUTURA Festival from Oct. 21, 2022 to Nov. 4, 2022 at No Concept Gallery in Belgrade.
One Canon
ФotoFUTURA Prize is awarded for the best work.



Propositions of the Canon ФotoFUTURA competition:


  • The right to take part in the Canon ФotoFUTURA 2020 competition is granted to students of undergraduate and master studies at the Faculty of Dramatic Arts and the Faculty of Applied Arts, University of Arts, Belgrade, and the Academy of Arts Novi Sad, University of Novi Sad.


  • Each author competes with one or two thematic series of 6 photographs. The works to be exhibited should have been created in the last two years.


  • The works should have been created during their studies at the above mentioned higher education institutions; mentoring work with the subject professor who agrees with applying for the competition is implied.


  • Applying involves filling a form on the festival website ( and uploading works to the specified link, i.e., server.
    The works are sent in digital form, JPG / JPEG, size 30 × 40 cm, in a print resolution of 300 PPI. Works of different proportions should be placed in the prescribed format 30 × 40cm. The selected works for the exhibition are printed in the specified size and the festival will organize their equipping. 
    The selected works will be displayed in the exhibition within the
    ФotoFUTURA Festival from Oct. 21, 2022 to Nov. 4, 2022, at No Concept Gallery in Belgrade.


  • The competition is open from June 1, 2022 to September 15, 2022. 
    The students whose works enter the selection for the exhibition will be notified.


  • The best work, according to the expert jury, is awarded the Canon ФotoFUTURA Prize and a Canon voucher worth € 1250.

    The announcement of the jury results and the award ceremony will be given on October 21, 2022, at the opening of the ФotoFUTURA 2022 exhibition and festival.


  • By applying for the competition, the participants accept all the conditions and rules of the competition.
    The participants agree that their works will be printed and exhibited at the 2022 Canon
    ФotoFUTURA competition.
    The participants agree that their works will be used for the purpose of media promotion of the
    ФotoFUTURA festival and exhibition.
    The participants agree that their works will be reproduced in the catalogue of the festival and exhibition, which will also be available in electronic version on the
    ФotoFUTURA site.
    The Canon
    ФotoFUTURA competition exhibition will be available for further exhibiting in the country and abroad, of which the authors would be informed in a timely manner. 


  • The propositions of the Canon ФotoFUTURA competition are obligatory and exclusive.



Canon ФotoFUTURA konkurs i izložba 2022. pod pokroviteljstvom kompanije Canon, deo je studentskog festivala fotografije ФotoFUTURA. Ove godine konkurs je otvoren za studente Fakulteta dramskih umetnosti i Fakulteta primenjenih umetnosti u Beogradu i po pozivu, Akademije umetnosti Novi Sad. 


Tema Canon ФotoFUTURA konkursa 2022. je Re:set.


Konkurs je otvoren isključivo za tematske serije fotografija. Svaki student može aplicirati sa dve tematske serije fotografija. Jednu seriju čini šest fotografija.


Selektovane serije biće izložene na izložbi tokom ФotoFUTURA festivala od 21.10.2022. do 4.11.2022. godine u Galeriji Noconcept u Beogradu. 

Dodeljuje se jedna Canon ФotoFUTURA nagrada za najbolji rad.


Propozicije Canon ФotoFUTURA konkursa:


  • Pravo učešća na Canon ФotoFUTURA konkursu 2022. imaju studenti osnovnih i master studija Fakulteta dramskih umetnosti i Fakulteta primenjenih umetnosti, Univerziteta umetnosti, Beograd i Akademije umetnosti Novi Sad, Univerziteta Novi Sad.


  • Svaki autor konkuriše sa jednom ili dve tematske serije od 6 fotografija. Radovi koji se izlažu treba da su nastali u poslednje dve godine.


  • Radovi treba da su nastali tokom studija na navedenim visoko školskim ustanovama i podrazumevaju mentorski rad sa predmetnim profesorom koji je saglasan sa apliciranjem na konkurs.


  • Apliciranje podrazumeva popunjavanje obrasca na sajtu festivala ( i otpremanje radova na navedeni link tj. server.
    Radovi se šalju u digitalnom obliku, JPG/JPEG, veličine 30×40 cm, u rezoluciji za štampu od 300 PPI. Radove drugačijih proporcija postaviti u propisani format 30×40cm. Selektovani radovi se za izložbu štampaju u navedenoj veličini i opremaju u organizaciji festivala.
    Selektovani radovi biće izloženi na izložbi u okviru ФotoFUTURA festivala od 21.10.2022. do 4.11.2022. godine u Galeriji Noconcept u Beogradu. 


  • Konkurs je otvoren od 1. juna 2022. godine do 15. septembra 2022. godine.
    Studenti čiji radovi uđu u selekciju za izlaganje biće obavešteni.


  • Za najbolji rad, po oceni stručnog žirija, dodeljuje se jedna Canon ФotoFUTURA nagrada i Canon vaučer u vrednosti od 1250€. 

    Saopštenje rezultata žiriranja i dodela nagrade obaviće se 21.10.2022. godine na otvaranju izložbe i festivala ФotoFUTURA 2022.


  • Učesnici prijavom na konkurs prihvataju sve uslove i pravila konkursa. 
    Učesnici su saglasni sa tim da će njihov rad biti odštampan i korišćen za izlaganje na izložbi Canon ФotoFUTURA konkurs 2022. godine. 
    Učesnici su saglasni sa tim da će njihov rad biti korišćen u svrhu medijske promocije Fotofutura  festivala i izložbe. 
    Učesnici su saglasni sa tim da će radovi biti reprodukovani u katalogu festivala i izložbe, koji će biti dostupan i u elektronskoj verziji na Fotofutura sajtu. 
    Izložba Canon ФotoFUTURA konkursa biće na raspolaganju za dalja izlaganja u zemlji i inostranstvu, o čemu bi autori bili blagovremeno obavešteni. 


  • Propozicije Canon ФotoFUTURA konkursa su obavezne i isključive.


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